Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Losing Focus

It's hard to make me focus these days... oh wait... It seems its more of an on-going thing for me. I do loose interest or should I say that I over grown my interest and focus too much on something too soon that it backfire to me as it makes me tired of it easily. Okay, that's say it all.

I don't know if it is a good thing or not. The only thing I know is, I am not happy the way it is going. 

On the way to work these few days, I don't turn on the radio or the player. I was just driving... listening to the sound of my beloved first transport... It's rather soothing to hear the rev of the car engine. I know it's working hard to transport me everyday to work and back. Yesterday, after finish listening to the modulator, while I was switching back to the FM radio, I came across the AM frequency station. I browse through the search and there are two station on air. However I have no idea what the heck were they talking about. It seems to be either in Thai language or Vietnamese?? No idea at all but it was fun. haha (I'm going crazy it seems....) . I also notice one thing, when I rev the engine, the frequency do goes with the revving of the  engine... weird but true... haha

Proton Saga: (My first beloved transportation)

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